Round head bolts

/Tag:Round head bolts
  • Fasteners Manufacture Various Bolts

WINDO Fasteners Manufacture Various Bolts

WINDO Fasteners Manufacture Various Bolts WINDO Fasteners, manufacture various bolts, hex bolts, round head bolts, square head bolts, T head bolts, dog head bolts and other customized bolts, special use bolts. Metric standard bolts as DIN, EN, ISO, GB, JIS, AS, UNI, etc. Inch standard bolts as ASME/ANSI, ASTM/SAE/IFI, BS, etc. Material used for producing [...]

  • Bolt Classification Knowledge

Bolt Classification Knowledge

Bolt Classification Knowledge This time Fastener Bolt Exporter talks about bolt information other than threads. There are many types of bolts, and there are probably several classification methods: classification by the head of the bolt; classification by the material; classification by the performance level; classification by the connection force method. The first category is classified [...]

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