Heavy Hex Hexagon Head Bolt

/Tag:Heavy Hex Hexagon Head Bolt

High Strength External Hexagon Combination Screw

Introduction to High strength external hexagon combination screw for buildings and workshops: High strength external hexagon combination bolt for steel structure is mainly used in railway and highway bridge, boiler steel structure, industrial workshop, high-rise civil building, tower and mast structure, hoisting machinery and steel structure where friction type high-strength bolt combination screw is required. [...]

Benefits of High Strength Hexagon Bolts

High strength hexagon bolts bring many benefits to various industries, such as Improve the stress condition of the structure. The force of friction type high-strength bolt connection is transmitted by the friction force on the steel plate surface. The large area of transmission force and the phenomenon of stress concentration are improved, and the fatigue [...]

By |July 20th, 2020|Bolt Types, Heavy Hex Bolts, Hex Bolts, Hexagon Bolt, High Strength Bolts, High Strength Structure Bolts, Socket Head Bolts|Comments Off on Benefits of High Strength Hexagon Bolts
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